Around 300 test lines at three locations. Health City Councilor Peter Hacker calculates that 1.2 million Viennese will participate.
The construction work for the corona mass tests in Vienna is well underway. Around 300 test lines will be installed in the Stadthalle, the Marxhalle and the Messe Wien. The start will be on December 4 – two days later than announced in the meantime. Registration is possible from 2 December.
The large-scale tests are to be carried out in the federal capital by 13 December, with the Austrian Armed Forces taking the lead. The necessary infrastructure will be set up by the Professional Fire Brigade Vienna. The capacity should be sufficient for about 150,000 tests per day, said health city councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) on Sunday. The operation is planned for ten hours daily, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Hacker reckons that around 60 percent of the Viennese want to be tested – that would be around 1.2 million people. The test is voluntary. “Probably the number of people to be tested will be lower,” Hacker suspects. But it will only be possible to say exactly that when the registration phase begins on Wednesday.
If 1.2 million Viennese can really be tested, that would mean around 120,000 people on each of the ten days – that means 40,000 people per hall every day. According to Hacker’s calculations, this is manageable.
Later start
Testing will begin later than originally announced. The reason for this is that the online platform was not completed in time. “This would be unthinkable without prior registration,” says Hacker. This is to avoid traffic jams and queues in front of the halls.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for the software. “It was actually planned that we would only test the school and kindergarten staff on December 5 and 6 – now we have shown flexibility,” says Gerald Schimpf, spokesman for the crisis management team at the Ministry of Health. Like Vorarlberg, however, Vienna wanted to end the tests earlier, so that this would be followed by a possible ten-day quarantine before Christmas, Hacker explains.
The procedure
At the Messe Wien, where the presentation took place, Hall A is currently being converted into a corona test center. The space is currently reminiscent of a huge open-plan office, in which groups of tables and chairs have been placed at a large distance from each other. On Sunday afternoon, the FFP2 masks for the staff and the persons to be tested were already delivered.
At the beginning, the registration in the system had to be done, whereby personal data had to be entered. Also a contact possibility must be deposited.
Afterwards the appointment booking takes place.
At the desired time, you then go to one of the three test centers. There the cards are checked and a number is assigned. After the smear has been taken, you have to wait a short time for the result (15 minutes were announced). You will also be given an FFP2 mask, which you must wear while waiting.
If the result is negative, the matter is basically settled. Hygiene measures and distance rules must nevertheless still be observed.
hp, Source: picture:
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